Jumat, 24 Juni 2011

Apa yang anda lakukan sebelum berkendara??

Bagi anda semua yang sudah terbiasa menggunakan mobil, mungkin hal-hal kecil di bawah ini, menjadi sesuatu yang basi bagi anda. Ya basi. Karena kebiasaan kita yang berlangsung berulang-ulang, kita mungkin lupa. Bahwa memastikan kendaraan dalam keadaan baik dan handal sebelum digunakan, merupakan syarat wajib agar kita selamat di jalan dan sampai di tujuan.

Apa saja sih yang seharusnya kita lakukan sebelum berkendara (mobil)?
1. Pastikan kondisi ban tidak kempes dan cukup angin
2. Buka kap mesin dan periksa air radiator
3. Cek ulang rem, kopling dan gas
4. Bunyikan klakson agar yakin masih berfungsi
5. Cek dan atur posisi spion kiri, kanan dan belakang
6. Cek indikator bahan bakar dan oli
7. Dan sebelum jalan, jangan lupa gunakan sabuk pengaman
8. Terakhir yang paling penting, jangan lupa, berdoa agar selalu di berikan keselamatan.

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Minggu, 05 Juni 2011

Better Traffic, Better Quality of Life!

     As the part of Megapolitan system, traffic plays the important role to support the overall activities inside it. The time to time movement of peoples, goods, and services, will only be well carried out when the traffic is effective, fast and save. This three components must be the mandatory requisitions for the big city, like Jakarta, to be implemented on it and support its existence. But what we have seen now in Jakarta? Are these requisitions found in our lovely city? Have we feel comfort when we use the public transport? Have we feel safely when we drive and use our vehicle in Jakarta road? Are the daily traffic jam is still tolerable for us? I think most of us will have the same opinion, that our traffic condition in Jakarta, including its infrastructures, rules, and our attitude as a road user, are still far from the dream. The dream to have a better traffic in our city.
     Lets to take a look in the actual condition of Jakarta's traffic. Almost everyday, in exception on Sunday, in each routes of Jakarta will have the same problem. The traffic is jam and stuck! How about with our mass transportation mode? The buses and minibuses, bus way, train and Angkot? The condition is not even better with previous situation. And it is getting worse and worse today. Almost every buses in Jakarta is too old and it is always overloaded. In addition, the discipline of the driver is very low.  Another insight, the Busway. To be honest this program have the good aim. It is intended to change the paradigm of the people to start using the public transport mode, instead of personal car or motorcycle. But, this program is not a proper solution in Jakarta. Why?? the reason is clear. The busway using almost a quarter of the road and the other vehicles are not allowed to use this path, meanwhile, the volume of the vehicles is getting increase and increase. Rather than to create the solution for the traffic jam, the Busway create another problem for the Jakarta traffic. How about the train? Train in almost every great city in world has become a major transport mode that able to decrease the traffic jam. With its capability to carry a big amount of passenger and fast velocity, train should be a priority for the government to be developed. Either the infrastructure and the train it self. But what we have seen in Jakarta? The train and its system development is far from the concern. We can see within the last 5 years, how many new train has been operated? How many route has been added? And how many new railways has been built? It's all very minor quantity. 
In addition, the government policy, the infrastructure condition, the attitude and ethics in the roads, and flood in Jakarta are the another problem that must be consider seriously and solve immediately.

      All above improper situations has giving each portion to create a worst condition of our traffic. And i think all of us will agree, if this situation is not getting solve in near time, i am sure that within the next 3 years, Jakarta will be a stuck city. The energy and fuel consumption will largely increase. The frustration emotion of the road user and the time to spent in the road will also increase. The distribution of people and goods will be so expensive and at the end, the service's costs and good's prices will also increase it can stimulate an inflation. The final effect, it can create another social problem and decrease our quality of life. 

      The next question is then how to solve the above condition. One of the way out, we can see in www.smart-drive.co.id. You can explore what they have and being done to communicate the safety riding campaign. 

This shared idea will be continued.....